Installed and commissioned
approx. 12-25 km from the coast of Guérande
Wind turbines
6 MW turbines
Number of turbines
80 Siemens SWT-7.0-154 turbines
Annual production
480 MW / about 630,000 households
Owner & Developer
EMF (EDF 50%)
Sif Client
Eiffage Métal SAS
Water depth
approx. 12-25 metres

St Nazaire
The Saint Nazaire wind farm is an offshore wind project being developed in the Loire-Atlantique region in France. It is owned by Eolien Maritime France (EMF), a joint venture formed in May 2016 between EDF Renewables (50%) and its subsidiary Enbridge (50%).
The Saint Nazaire wind farm will be situated on the bench of Guérande, approximately 12 km from the coastline. The offshore wind farm will be equipped with 80 Siemens SWT-7.0-154 7 MW turbines. The wind turbines will be installed at depths between 12 and 25 metres, on monopile foundations with a mast, approximately 12 to 20 km offshore.