Life Saving Rules
Sif has grown rapidly in recent years with the development of the offshore wind sector. This sector, quite rightly, places high safety requirements on everyone who is active in it. We also want safety to be the number 1 priority at Sif: we want everyone who works at Sif to come home unscathed.
Based on the analyses of our high-risk incidents in recent years and in line with the international standards of the offshore wind industry, we have developed Sif's 7 Life-Saving Rules. These rules are intended to protect our colleagues from fatal or other accidents. Compliance with these rules is Sif's highest priority. Translating the rules into our daily work is an important part of our safe company culture.
Drive safely
- I always wear a safety belt.
- I obey the speed limit and reduce my speed if road conditions require so.
- I call hands free, when driving.
- I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving.
Follow the LOTO procedure
- I have identified all enegy sources.
- I check whether the installation have been isolated, locked and tagged.
- I make sure that the installation is properly grounded and connected.
- I avoid contact with other life installations or components.
Hoist safely
- I confirm that the equipment andload have been inspected, tested and are fit for purpose.
- I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use.
- I establish barriers and exclusion zones.
Stay out of the line of fire.
- I position myself to avoid moving objects, vehicles, pressure releases and dropped objects.
- I obey barriers and exclsuion zones.
- I follow the instructions of the person responsible for lifting the load.
Work with a valid permit to work
- I have confirmed if a permit to work is required.
- I have confirmed if the permit to work is valid.
- I understand the permit to work and comply with it.
- I am authorised to perform the work.
- I have received confirmation from my manager or the person in charge of the work if it is safe to start the work.
- I stop and reassess if conditions change.
Work safely at height
- I use fall protection when prescribed in the permit to work and/or risk assessment.
- I check my fall protection equipment before use.
- I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects, when working at height.
Obtain authorization before overriding safety controls
- I understand and use the safety provisions and procedures necessary for my work.
- I do not deviate from safety regulations unless I have a valid work permit.
- I do not bypass or disable protections unless I have a valid work permit.
Sif's 7 Life Saving Rules: the next step to a safe working environment

Sif launched the monopile at the beginning of this millennium and has now produced over 2,200 monopiles.
These monopiles contribute to the energy transition by serving as the foundation of offshore wind energy. However, we think this is not enough and we have chosen Sustainable Development Goals created by the United Nations that will guide our ESG improvement.