Our ESG approach
At Sif, we care about our environment. Taking care of the environment is embedded in our business purpose: we strive to accelerate the energy transition by manufacturing monopile solutions as the foundations of choice for offshore wind energy. This purpose is something we do not want to undermine with harmful production processes. To achieve our high ambitions, we have to do more than just comply with government laws and regulations.
CO2 neutral production
To do our part in the energy transition, we strive to improve our primary production processes and actively seek measures to reduce our carbon footprint. Our aim is to be CO2 neutral for all our primary processes by 2030. Our efforts were rewarded in February 2022, as ISS (Institutional Shareholder Services) qualified us as “Prime” after an analysis of our ESG performances.
Induction heating
We have taken a major step in reducing our natural and propane gas consumption and replaced it by making use of induction for preheating the steel seams before they are welded.
Our own wind energy
The Haliade-X, the world’s second largest wind turbine, spins on our site at Maasvlakte 2. The green energy that is generated compensates our emissions and makes us indirectly self-sufficient in our electrical power supply.
Circularity and cradle to cradle
Now we want to focus on the fostering of circularity and the development of the cradle-to-cradle process. We support the development of the removal of monopiles so that the steel can be reused after their service life. This development can only be done by working closely with our supply chain partners.
SDG's Global Compact Strategy
Next to that we have selected four sustainable development goals (SDGs), which are described in the Global Compact Strategy of the United Nations, to which we actively contribute:
Climate action (SDG 13)
This goal encompasses taking action to resolve the climate crisis caused by people. In 2015, the Paris Climate Agreement was concluded with the aim of reducing climate change and the negative effects thereof on people and nature.
Affordable and clean energy (SDG 7)
The development and the use of technologies for energy savings and renewable energy sources is a practical way of reducing energy consumption and the dependency on fossil fuels, and will ultimately have a positive effect on our prosperity.
Industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9)
The aim of this goal is to improve mobility and infrastructure, and to reduce the negative aspects of such, including environmental impact.
Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12)
Sustainable production and consumption with a more efficient use of raw materials reduces the pressure on the environment and reduces the dependency on raw materials.

By 2023, Sif wants to carry out its production without any safety incidents.
By 2025, Sif wants to carry out all its operations using sustainable energy and environmentally-friendly production methods, including induction preheating, bio-diesel for transport, and researching other ways to reduce the CO2 emissions in the chain.
By 2027, Sif wants all its steel, monopiles and production waste to be recycled throughout the supply chain.
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